177 Nations of Tasmania is proud to announce a new collaboration with photographer and author Andrew Wilson that will use photography and text to build on the stories from the podcast.
With the help of funding from the Hobart City Council's Creative Hobart Grants program, Andrew will be running photo sessions with podcast participants from the Hobart area at the Henry Jones Art Hotel Gallery from February 3 to March 7. As the month goes by, photos will be displayed on the walls of the gallery with text about each person and links to their podcast story. Members of the public will be able to attend the gallery as the process happens and see the display expand to become an eye-catching collection featuring portraits representing up to 70 different nationalities ( or more ?).
I will be capturing some of the process on video to give followers on social media and my website a behind-the-scenes view of the project and the amazing and diverse array of people being photographed. Our ultimate aim is to produce a book that will tell the stories of the more than 100 different people all from different countries of the world, that will serve as an educational resource and memento for current and future generations in our community to appreciate.
This week, Andrew has had his first portrait sessions as a sort of trial run, but also to get a few sample images to help with promoting the project. We have been asking everyone to bring some item or article of clothing that is significant to their story or their culture. I would really like to thank Tkay ( Uganda/Rwanda), Cholpon (Kyrgyzstan), Cedrick ( Democratic Republic of Congo), Loni ( Samoa ), and Denisse ( Ecuador ) for agreeing so readily to be part of this first stage. As you can see from the photos, they really brought some colour and personality to the photo shoots.
Over the coming weeks, I will be contacting the other 70 or so podcast participants still living in the Hobart area to arrange a photo session and I really hope that all or almost all will be able to participate to help create an amazing display in the Henry Jones Gallery.
If you want to keep up with what's going on with the project, please follow the 177 Nations of Tasmania Facebook page, where I'll be posting regular updates as well as new podcast episodes ( Episode 111 just out ! ). If you haven't listened to the podcast yet, you can check it out here.
We also have new branding and logos thanks to Sean at Lemon Street Studios